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Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjne
Pro-Candle Sp. z o.o.

63-700 Krotoszyn
ul. Zamkowy Folwark 17

tel. +48 508 036 716,

Welcome to our website!

Pro-Candle Ltd. manufactures hand-flooded soy, decorative and scented candles. We make rustic structured and smooth surfaced mass-colored candles.

Production technology and the quality of our candles result from mix of passion, experience and knowledge we acquired through many years of cooperation with renowned suppliers and partners.

We care about our raw materials, because we know that a perfect candle has to be made from impeccable materials. That is why we cooperate with the best suppliers from all over the world.

Having the knowledge and experience in making prime quality candles, we present our standard range of products, and also the possibility of making individual designs and ideas, that shall be reserved.

We are able to overcome any challenge we face when it comes to candle color, scent and, of course, shape. Per request, we can produce candles under our clients' own brands.