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Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjne
Pro-Candle Sp. z o.o.

63-700 Krotoszyn
ul. Zamkowy Folwark 17

tel. +48 508 036 716,

  • The main thing is to remember that a burning candle is a 'live' fire, so never leave a burning candle without control!
  • Each candle burns differently, depending on its shape, size and the form.
  • Do not put candles in a draft, but use it in a well ventilated room.
  • Before lighting a candle make sure that the wick is not longer than 10mm.
  • When a too long wick is lighted the flame may be too large, resulting in uneven burning of a candle, and in smoking soot.
  • When a too short wick is lighted the flame may be too small , which usually results in turning out of the burning candle or with burning a small basin, and leaving a wide bank of the candle. In this case, the basin should be emptied of liquid paraffin and the edge of the candle should be cut before the candle is completely cool.
  • Candles which are burning should always stand on incombustible base.Never place candles below each other.
  • Do not place candles near each other. Keep a minimum distance of 10cm between them.
  • The best way to extinguish a candle is to sink a wick into the liquid paraffin. Then, immediately straighten the wick and shorten it to the desired length. This prevents the glowing of the wick and undesired smoking, which is harmful to the candle.
  • Foreign objects contaminate paraffin. Contaminated paraffin may extinguish the flame, because the wicks' ability to soak paraffin decreases.
  • Foreign objects may also be attracted to the fire and play the role of the second wick, and consequently cause damage to the candle. If the foreign object is located on the edge, it may cause disruption and dripping of the candle.